
Public Health

FAO and China Forge Strategic Alliance To Improve Food Security In Developing Countries: About 3,000 Chinese Experts And Technicians Will Share Their Skills

The Government of China expressed its intent to provide the services of at least 3 000 experts and technicians over a six-year period to help improve the productivity of small-scale farmers and fishers in developing countries, under an agreement signed on 18 May 2006, with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

New Investment Initiative Aims To Improve Fisheries Management and Reduce Poverty In Africa

The new funding scheme is the first of its kind. A new partnership aimed at restoring depleted fisheries and reducing poverty in Africa was launched today, May 16, 2006, by the African Union (AU), the World Bank, WWF – the Global Conservation Organization, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Donates His $500,000 Award to Darfur Relief

In order to help alleviate the severe lack of donations to the United Nations-led relief effort in Sudan’s Darfur region, Secretary-General Kofi Annan will contribute to it the $500,000 he was awarded in February by the Zayed Prize for environmental leadership.

Unicef Appeals For Funds To Fight Severe Cholera Outbreak In Angola

With 1,000 people already dead from cholera in Angola, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is appealing for $1 million to fight the most severe outbreak of the disease there since 1988.

World Health Organization Reports Progress Made Towards Eliminating Blinding Eye Disease

With the estimated number of people affected by the infectious eye disease, blinding trachoma, dropping from 360 million people to 80 million over the past 21 years, several more countries are on track to eliminate the scourge, the United Nations health agency announced today.

New Rehydration Formula Can Help Save Hundreds Of Thousands Of Children According to New United Nations Report

The United Nations announced a new formula for manufacturing a medicine to combat acute diarrhoeal disease that could save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children each year.

UN atomic agency’s Nobel Prize funds cancer care, nutrition in developing world

The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this year’s Nobel peace Prize co-laureate, announced today that its €525,000 share of the award will be used to create a fund for fellowships and training to improve cancer management and childhood nutrition in the developing world.

Arsenic Removal Water Filter Could Help Save Millions of Lives reports UNESCO-IHE

A filter that removes arsenic from water and that could save tens of millions of lives was launched today at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Simple and ecologically sound, the filter uses an absorbent recycled by-product available at no cost almost everywhere in the world.

Deworming Campaign Launched in Afghanistan by World Food Programme, UNICEF, and WHO

WFP has announced the launch of the 2005 national deworming campaign. The government campaign, which aims to improve the health and intellectual development of six million children across Afghanistan, is also being supported by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Developing Urban Health Systems in Bangladesh

Since 1998, a promising partnership for health has been forming in Saidpur and Parbatipur municipalities in Northern Bangladesh. Under a Child Survival Programme (CSP), a tripartite partnership has developed between Concern, two municipal authorities, and 24 ward health committees (WHC).

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