Horizon is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization based at
Yale University.
Horizon is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization based at
Yale University.
Horizon International is now on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/horizoninternationalsolutions/.
Janine M. H. Selendy, Chair, Founder and Publisher.
She served as President and Chairman from its founding in 1980 to early 2015. Her biographical sketch is available at http://www.solutions-site.org/node/1089
Linda Jarvin, Ph.D., is the Dean of Paris College of Art (Paris, France) and an Associate Professor at Tufts University (MA, USA). She received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Paris V (France) and her postdoctoral training at Yale University (USA). Her research and
"The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels.